Labels:bannister | ironmongery | remote | sculpture | sky OCR: 093 Control Joints The 093 Control Joint 1S used to relieve the sassars of expansion and contraction across the joint 1t large ceiling and wall areas veneer finish systems According to hr Association of the Wall and Ceiling Industries control joints should be installed ir ceilings exceeding 2500 square feet. The distance between control joints shall not exceed 50 Zinc Control Joint Control 10ints should also be installed where ceiling framing or furring changes direction In par titions walls or wall furring, the distance between control joints shall not exceed 30 The product is made from Zinc to resist corro sion and has 3/32 grounds "Plastic Tape" protects the 1/4 opening 7/16 deep) and removed only after finishing comp] ete stresses ansion betweer ounds remnove complete